Computer Technician (programmer analyst) Alternative titles: Website, Software and Business Applications Developer, Java Programmer, Mobile App Developer, Interactive Media Developer

$42.07/h Average Salary
Job Prospects

What are the main duties?

  • Help conceptualize programs for computers and mobile devices: databases, video games, web, etc.
  • Develop computer programs and test out their functionality.
  • Debug programs.
  • Use different programming languages.
  • Provide user support.

Is it right for you?

  • You are analytical and logical.
  • You are curious, meticulous and perseverant.
  • You adapt easily to change.


Computer Science Technology

Where is this program being offered?
regions quebec EstrieMontérégieMontréal and Outaouais
Job Placement Rate
60% Job Placement Rate
40% % who pursue further education
Duration of training 2670h
33 months
Are you eligible? Check your eligibility
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